Housing Services : emergency shelter and transitional housing. Supportive services, life skills training, assistance with employment and housing search and placement. Intensive case management, referrals, custodial training, culinary training, domestic violence case management, safety education, individual and group counseling as well as savings programs
Domestic violence services: crisis support, housing, recovery services, violence prevention, specialized case management, safety plans, referrals to community services, therapy, support groups, counseling, self-esteem, financial coaching, outreach, educational workshops
Financial Capability Workshops and Financial Coaching
Homeownership services : individual counseling, advocacy, home ownership information and education. Foreclosure prevention
Wo(men) Achieving New Directions (WAND) : employment readiness, search skills development, business counseling and needs assessment
Youth Development : college and career readiness. Leadership, education (communication, relationships, conflict resolution, advocacy, acceptance, individuality and support), self-esteem, summer programs
Nancy Crake, President
Please Note: These services may be provided directly or as guidance assistance by the shelter. Please contact the shelter to get more information.