Emergency financial assistance in case of eviction or utility shut off Drop In Center : access to mail, phone and fax. Laundry services, showers, vouchers for food, clothes and diapers. Assistance with obtaining Birth Certificates, referrals to community resources, health care, SNAP applications HIV Prevention, Education and Testing. Appointment required Housing First : Supportive housing Services provided : assistance with obtaining permanent housing, case management, supportive services Residential and Resource Program : case management, eye exams, nutritional supplements, financial assistance with utility, rent and mortgage. Deposits, other housing costs, health care, social services, budgeting, access to mainstream public housing Community Housing Services provided : supportive services, rental assistance SOAR – outreach services, access to SSI/SSDI services
Rev. W. Patterson Lyles, Board President
Please Note: These services may be provided directly or as guidance assistance by the shelter. Please contact the shelter to get more information.