Nutrition : food assistance
Medical Case Management : medication management, linkage to medical and social services. Assistance with Social Security and health insurance issues. Emotional support, referrals to mental health services, substance abuse treatment and other community services
Benefits Counseling : health insurance, support services and other benefits if eligible
Housing Assistance :
– permanent supportive housing – affordable housing units, case management, landlord advocacy, move-in and inspection assistance. Linkage and referral to community services, tenant/landlord mediation, monthly rent subsidy, access to other services.
– transitional housing – housing search and placement. Landlord advocacy, move-in and inspection assistance, linkage and referral to community services. Tenant/landlord mediation, employment services
– emergency assistance – financial assistance with rent, utilities and food
– short term housing program – temporary rental assistance for up to 6 months
Learning and Living Lounge – peer support, services
Project Star – transitional case management program
Positive Self-Management – peer support, health education
Health Trust Office Hours : Monday-Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday-Sunday – Closed
Michele Lew, Chief Executive Officer
Emergency Assistance – must be able to demonstrate the need for service
Please Note: These services may be provided directly or as guidance assistance by the shelter. Please contact the shelter to get more information.