Kids First Children’s Program : parenting classes, playgrounds, developmental assessments, success in school program, enrichment activities, referral to services
Transitional Housing : housing, parenting skills, case management, savings plan, income improvement assistance, housing and employment search assistance
Emergency Shelter : housing, parenting skills, support services, counseling, respite, support
Vida Nueva : permanent housing, counseling, substance abuse prevention, money management, credit repair, parenting classes, free lunch program for children
Other than the housing programs provided for adults and families, which they can apply for, they also provide rapid re-housing, case management, peer support, street outreach and sober circle program
Emergency Shelter : food, clothing, showers, transportation services, access to computers, telephone and mail; case management, recovery support for mental health and chemical dependencies, employment skills training, advocacy for benefits
Permanent Supportive Housing Program : housing, case management
Integrity Houses : housing, case management, support with furnishings, tenant / landlord relations and lease facilitation services
Rapid Re-Housing Program
Wellness Services : healthcare, counseling, case management, community service for all residents
Food Program : lunch, food boxes
Lunch : Daily 11:30am – 1:00pm
Chuck Fernande, CEO
Please Note: These services may be provided directly or as guidance assistance by the shelter. Please contact the shelter to get more information.