Action, Inc. provides access to public benefits such as: TAFDC (Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children), EAEDC (Emergency Aid to Elders, Disabled, & Children), Emergency Assistance, Social Security, SSI / SSDI, Medicaid / MassHealth, Food Stamps / SNAP, Assistance with quit notices, court summons and other document processes, budgeting and dept management, crisis intervention, connections to community resources, Housing services such as assistance with eviction notices, rent/mortgage, searching for housing, move-in costs, mediation in landlord/tenant quarrels, subsidized housing including applying for services. Home Together Program helps in operates affordable housing units throughout the county. Emergency Shelter is providing limited sleeping accommodations.
Gretchen Wood, Chairperson
Must complete an intake form at the main office to apply for services.
Please Note: These services may be provided directly or as guidance assistance by the shelter. Please contact the shelter to get more information.