Lynn Shelter Association offers the following programs:
Green House and Independence House has a shelter with 21 and 32 units. Amenities are private rooms and key, small refrigerator and food cabinet, backyard space, playrooms, large kitchens and dining areas. Services provided are 3 meals a day, case management, assistance with employment and housing search, childcare, transportation, medical and mental health care evaluation, parenting skills, developmental play, holiday gatherings and celebrations.
Adult Emergency Shelter can house up to 44 individuals provides basic needs, case management, medical and mental health triage and assistance with housing search.
Veteran Housing and Chronic Housing Initiatives is a housing for up to 35 individuals providing case management, counseling, referrals to community resources and supportive services.
Shelter + Care Supported Housing Program has 49 units of single room occupancy providing case management and supportive services.
Inn Progression Program provides permanent supportive housing.
MRVP & Shelter + Care Units has subsidized permanent two bedroom apartment units providing case management.
Mark Evans, Executive Director
Green House and Independence House – Must be referred by the Dept. of Transitional Assistance (DTA).
Inn Progression Program – must not meet HUD housing criteria or be unable to enter public housing due to other factors.
Please Note: These services may be provided directly or as guidance assistance by the shelter. Please contact the shelter to get more information.