Unity House of Troy, Inc. (UHTI) provides community housing assistance program, housing support services, community residence services, transitional apartment service, case management, as well as supportive services.
Chris Burke, Chief Executive Officer
For intake or more information must call 518.272.1611 x4189
Case management Programs
Young adult : -must be 17-24 years of age,
-have a primary psychiatric diagnosis
Chemical Abuse (MICA) – individuals : -must be at least 18 years of age.
-have a primary psychiatric and substance abuse diagnosis.
-must be affiliated with an outpatient mental health treatment provider.
People Living with HIV/AIDS: -HIV +
-medicaid eligible.
Community Housing Assistance Program
– Mental health and/or substance abuse diagnosis.
– HUD defined homeless.
– Income eligible.
– Able to self-medicate.
– Able to maintain an apartment in the community.
Community Residence Services
– Individuals must have a primary psychiatric diagnosis.
– Must be at least 18 years of age.
– Affiliation with an outpatient mental health treatment provider.
Supported Housing Program
-Adults Living with Mental Illness
-Mental health diagnosis.
-Income eligible.
-Ability to self-medicate and maintain an apartment in the community.
People Living with HIV/AIDS
-Diagnosis of HIV + or living with AIDS.
-Homeless or unstably housed.
-Ability to self-preserve.
Victims of Domestic Violence
-Must be income eligible.
Transitional Apartment Service
-Primary psychiatric diagnosis.
-Affiliation with an outpatient mental health treatment provider.
-Must be at least 18 years of age.
-Must be a resident of Relatedness County.
Please Note: These services may be provided directly or as guidance assistance by the shelter. Please contact the shelter to get more information.