Alpha Omega Veterans Services, Inc. (AOVSI) provides the following.
Permanent Housing – affordable, stable housing, case management, employment services, outdoor gathering facilities, assistance with applying and obtaining VA and mainstream benefits as well as clinical services and referrals.
Transitional Housing – housing, coping skills, addiction recovery, clinical services and other supportive services.
Hospice Care – medication adherence monitoring, pain management, daily living assistance, nursing assessments, education about medication and disease process.
Support and Services – assistance with applying for benefits, case management, client monitoring, crisis intervention, employment assistance, food acquisition and meal delivery, liaison/advocacy services, life skills training, recreational activities, socialization, financial management skills, regular evaluation and monitoring, substance abuse and mental health education, referrals to medical and mental health care, transportation assistance and referrals to community resources.
Cordell Walker, Executive Director
Please Note: These services may be provided directly or as guidance assistance by the shelter. Please contact the shelter to get more information.