They provide housing programs:
for veterans – housing through VASH vouchers, transportation services, furniture and household items assistance, case management
ESG – RRH – 60 scattered-site vouchers from the Dallas Housing Authority, linkage to services, case management
Destination Home (DH) – permanent supportive housing, case management, counseling services, drug and alcohol treatment, employment support and training, other supportive services
Transition Resource Action Center (TRAC) – needs assessments, referrals, case management, transitional housing
CityWalk@Akard (CityWalk) – housing and supportive services
Healthy Community Collaborative – outreach, rapid-rehousing, supportive services
Food Assistance Program:
Food on the Move : meals during summer and after school, meals delivery
Legal Aid Program:
Legal Action Works (LAW) – legal services
Larry James, Chief Executive Officer
Please Note: These services may be provided directly or as guidance assistance by the shelter. Please contact the shelter to get more information.