Catholic Housing Services of Western Washington – King County (CHSWW-KC) provides the following.
FUSION- transitional housing and case management as well as referrals to additional services.
Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF)- case management, employment services, linkage to mainstream, VA and medical benefits, community resources, financial planning, transportation services and childcare and also provides rapid re-housing services.
Katherine’s and Rita’s Houses- transitional housing, case management and life skill training.
ORCA Lift- transportation assistance, pregnancy and parenting support, adoption services.
Project Rachel- abortion counseling and therapy, parenting education, permanent housing, behavioral and mental health services and legal services.
Youth Tutoring Program – after-school.
Kinship Services – advocacy, referrals, support groups, parenting education, child care, legal aid, medical, dental and mental health care services. Housing, financial support, food, clothing, transportation services and household items. School uniforms, supplies, musical instruments and field trips. Recreational activities, tutoring, fees, eviction and utility shut offs one time financial assistance
Very Rev. Bradley R. Hagelin, Chair
Katherine’s and Rita’s Houses
must be 30-60 days sober and enrolled in an out-patient treatment program.
Kinship Services
age 18+.
formal / informal responsibility (legal custody, guardianship).
documentation of primary care giving ( for financial assistance services).
Please Note: These services may be provided directly or as guidance assistance by the shelter. Please contact the shelter to get more information.