Catholic Housing Services of Western Washington – Family Housing Network (CHSWW-FHN) provides the following.
Coordinated Entry- counseling, needs assessment and referrals to appropriate services.
Rapid Re-Housing- assistance with moving to affordable housing and also provides short-term supportive services and referrals to community resources.
Shelter- overnight shelter and day shelter providing showers, laundry facilities, telephones, cooking facilities, relaxation, case management, dinner and breakfast as well as assistance with obtaining permanent housing.
Permanent Supportive Housing- housing, case management, housing retention, education development, employment services and family stability services.
Supportive Services for Veteran Families ( SSVF)- rapid re-housing and homeless prevention services
Very Rev. Bradley R. Hagelin, Chair
No dishonorable discharge.
Currently homeless or at imminent risk.
Income at or below 50% HUD AMI.
Please Note: These services may be provided directly or as guidance assistance by the shelter. Please contact the shelter to get more information.