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Detailed Information

Provides transitional living, life skills training including consumer education, budgeting, credit, housekeeping, menu planning, food preparation and parenting skills; interpersonal skill development, relationships with peers, decision making, stress management, healthy relationships; GED readiness, postsecondary training, vocational education. Job readiness and attainment, career counseling and job placement; substance abuse prevention, information, counseling and treatment; mental health care and individual and group counseling; physical health care, assessments, emergency treatment and routine physicals.

Location Map
People Served
Youth below 18
Management Board

Casey Behrend, ExecutiveDirector

Services Provided
GED Assistance
Employment Services
Employment Training and Placement
Job Readiness Training
Vocational Training
Housing Type
Medical and Treatment Services
Treatment Services for Substance Abuse
Mental Health Care
Health Care
Life Skills, Parenting, Budgeting
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Please Note: These services may be provided directly or as guidance assistance by the shelter. Please contact the shelter to get more information.